March is National Nutrition Month

Nuestra Clinica del Valle, Inc., a patient-centered medical home, is proudly participating this March in National Nutrition Month. The focus is on healthy lifestyle, eating behavior and developing physical activity habits you can follow all year long! This year’s theme, Personalize Your Plate, promotes creating nutritious meals to meet individuals’ cultural and individualized needs. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, it is important to eat nutritional meals leading to address diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart conditions, osteoporosis, and obesity.  Good brain health and intelligence is linked to adequate nutrition. Remember, you are unique and so is your health!  We are here to help you start and finish your path to better health!  Schedule your nutritional health screening today at Nuestra Clinica del Valle, Inc.  For more information, please call one of our offices closest to you.
