COVID-19 Alerts

On Tuesday, March 2, 2021, Governor Greg Abbott issued an Executive Order (GA-34) lifting the mask mandate in Texas and increasing capacity of all businesses and facilities in the state to 100 percent. This new executive order will take effect on Wednesday, March 10, 2021. However, all patients, visitors and staff are still required to wear a mask at Nuestra Clinica del Valle, Inc., in line with CDC guidelines. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to protect our patients and keep our communities safe.


At Nuestra Clinica Del Valle, Inc. (NCDV) our top priority is protecting the health and safety of our patients, staff members, and the communities we serve. We understand that this can be a confusing time, but we are committed to responding to your needs, partnering with other providers and health authorities and staying informed as this evolves in Hidalgo County and Starr County.

Most people who get COVID-19 will experience mild symptoms that they can easily manage at home. Please do not come to the clinic if you are experiencing any symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing). If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or believe you have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19, please call NCDV at 956-787-0787 and speak to our staff. NCDV staff will help you determine the next steps of where you should go. At this time NCDV does have the ability to test for COVID-19. Please call us to discuss your options.

COVID-19 symptoms

Nuestra Clinica del Valle, Inc. (NCDV) is initiating temporary restrictions and guidance for patient visitors to all clinic locations. As the COVID-19 status continues to rapidly evolve, visitor restrictions are subject to change.  NCDV is screening all patients, staff, and visitors for symptoms of COVID-19 who come to one of our locations.  We are following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) so that patients affected by COVID-19 will be able to get the care they need while protecting the health and safety of our staff and the community at large.

Prevention of COVID-19

The Texas Department of State Health Services  (DSHS) recommends these everyday actions to help prevent the spread of any respiratory virus, including COVID-19:

  • Wash hands often for 20 seconds and encourage others to do the same.
  • If no soap and water are available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue away.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Disinfect surfaces, buttons, handles, knobs, and other places touched often.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

See the CDC website for more information on what you can do at home to prevent the spread of COVID‑19:
Get Your Household Ready for COVID‑19 (CDC)

If you suspect yourself or someone you know has COVID-19, please isolate yourself and follow these steps provided by the CDC (